

Litehouse is designed to be decentralized, meaning you can host your own private registries. While the capability is built in to the tool already, the details of the protocol are still being finalized. If you would like to self-host a registry, please get in touch with us.


The registry is a flat list of wasm files, alongside an index. Each plugin contains its own metadata but to speed up reading we abstract this at three levels:

Level 1The plugins themselves. Inefficient for enumeration.
Level 2The metadata index. This is stored as a series of flatbuffer files with an adjustable partitioning scheme. That way, if requesting a specific plugin, only a small subset of the registry needs to be downloaded.
Level 3A single flatbuffer file with just title, version, and short description

Specifying the Registry

You can specify which registry an import should be sourced from by a prefix. See import syntax for more.

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