
JSON Schema

The settings.json file is the central configuration file for Litehouse. It defines the plugins to use, their configurations, and other system-wide settings. Below is an overview of the sections you might find in a settings.json file.


The imports section lists the plugins that your Litehouse instance will use. These can be official plugins from the Litehouse registry or custom plugins you've developed. The syntax for an import is registry::plugin@version.

"imports": [


The plugins section defines instances of the plugins you've imported. Each plugin can be configured individually according to its schema.

"plugins": {
  "weather_sensor": {
    "plugin": "litehouse::weather@0.1.0",
    "config": {
      "location": "New York"


The capabilities section lists the capabilities that your Litehouse instance and its plugins can use. This controls access to system resources and external services, ensuring a secure environment.

"capabilities": [

Parallelism Strategies

Litehouse supports different parallelism strategies for running plugins, allowing you to balance between isolation and resource usage. The default strategy is instance, where each plugin instance runs in its own sandbox.

"engine": {
  "sandbox_strategy": "instance"

Other strategies include global, where all plugins share the same sandbox, and plugin, where each plugin type has its own sandbox.

Detailed Configuration

For more detailed information on configuring Litehouse, including advanced engine settings and plugin-specific configurations, refer to the respective sections in the documentation or the JSON schema provided with Litehouse.

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