
Litehouse comes with a utility to build, optimise, and package plugins ready to be uploaded to the registry.


To package a plugin as a wasm bundle, run the build command. litehouse does a few things to make this work:

  • Compile the plugin to wasm
  • Optimise the wasm file
  • Package it into a wasm-component package
  • Dump it to the wasm folder in your workspace

Currently this only supports rust plugins. To use it, run it from the root of your package workspace, and specify the name of the crate. To do the optimisation and packaging steps, you will need wasm-opt and wasm-tools on your path.

> litehouse build my-plugin
* Building...
* Optimising...
* Packaging...


Once you are happy with your plugin, publish it! You'll need to authenticate to the registry first.

> litehouse publish my-plugin
* Publishing...

This may fail in the following cases:

  • The plugin is already claimed by another user
  • The version you are uploading already exists

If you are unsure, you can check the registry to see if the plugin is already published.

> litehouse search my-plugin

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